Colorado Parent Training Curriculum

CCAI’s Colorado parent training addresses the topics according to requirements set by Colorado Rules and Regulations 7.710 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CHILD PLACEMENT AGENCIES, specifically 7.710.55 Training, as well as requirements set by the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption; Subpart F— Standards for Convention Accreditation and Approval § 96.48 Preparation and Training of prospective adoptive parent(s) in incoming cases.

Colorado Parent Training Curriculum/Course Descriptions

Required Classes: All Domestic and International Adoptions

Orientation/The Adoption Process*

Learn about the international or domestic adoption process, including Colorado State requirements. Families adopting internationally and domestically will attend separate sessions, so that families can be educated on the specific details for the type of adoption they are pursuing.


Do we need to be experts in attachment to adopt? No! But we can be well-prepared to help establish a healthy bond with our adopted child and prevent attachment problems by understanding the attachment process and what to do when we are starting that process with an older infant, toddler, or older child. The class covers the basics of attachment theory, what attachment disorders are, and how to promote a healthy attachment with your child. We will also talk about the initial “adjustment period” for your child and your family and the potential issues that can arise and how to cope with them.

Parenting through Your Child’s Developmental Stages

This class takes a look at the wonderful and sometimes complicated process of parenting a child who is growing and changing from infant to toddler to pre-schooler to school-aged child. We will take a look at what psychology has to say about child development and what that means in the day-to-day experiences of parenting your child. We will also focus specifically on how adoption issues may arise during each developmental stage.

Grief, Loss, & Other Adoption Conversations

Grief and Loss is inherent in adoption. It is a joyous event and a wonderful way to build a family. However, we want to acknowledge the loss all members of the adoption “triad” experience in adoption. Adoption is lifelong and unites birth families (and birth countries), adoptees, and adoptive families forever. It is important to get “comfortable” “talking” about this loss with our children so we will spend some time thinking, talking and getting ready for these very important conversations that our children will have over the years!

It is important to just get talking! We will talk about some of those interesting questions our families, children, friends and strangers will have for us about adoption! We need to talk about adoption from the beginning and add to the details as our children grow and have more questions! We want to be proud of who we are and celebrate our children’s entire story - past, present and future. We want to give our children one of the greatest gifts we can offer – their life story!

Being a Multi-Cultural Family

This class will look at what it means to be a minority in a dominant culture and how parents can honor a child’s heritage. We will talk about how to grapple with racial stereotypes, both positive and negative, and how those stereotypes are subtly interwoven into the fabric of our culture. We will explore these issues in a safe environment so as parents we can be better prepared for a new life as a multicultural family.

Basic Child Care

Whether you are an experienced parent or a “newbie”, this class discusses the care of internationally adopted infants and children including topics of nutrition, dental care, safety, sleep needs, and more. Demonstrations and discussions round out this class as parents learn about the many facets of rearing children and how international adoption impacts your parental decision making.

Introduction and Overview of Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®)

What is TBRI®? TBRI® is a holistic intervention developed by Drs. Karyn Purvis and David Cross at the TCU Institute of Child Development (ICD) that has been developed over the past decade. It is an evidence-based practice that meets the need of the whole child. This is an approach to care giving that is developmentally responsive to trauma and is attachment-based. The goal is to provide deep insight about the impact of a child’s history on their long-term development, to create a framework for practical intervention and application, and to enhance understanding about how to interpret behavior and to respond appropriately.

Required Classes: All International Adoption & Some Domestic Adoptions*

Assisting in Your Child’s Development*

This class is designed to help guide your observations of your newly adopted child, identify background issues that can impact your child’s development, and outline common developmental concerns following adoption. We will spend time providing practical ideas to assist your child’s development and discuss how and when to seek professional assistance.

Tough Behaviors, Tough Discussions: Talking to Hurting Children about Sexual Abuse and Sexual Behaviors*

This class will discuss one of the most difficult aspects of parenting a hurting child - when they have experienced sexual abuse or start to engage in sexually abusive behaviors. No other issue in adoption causes parents to feel more hopeless, confused, triggered, and without resources. Together, we will explore the impact of sexual abuse on the developing mind and body, as well as look at aspects of the healing journey. Additionally, we will explore the difficult topic of what to do and how to respond when a child engages in problem sexual behaviors. This class will additionally focus on normal sexual development versus when to be concerned and an opportunity for questions and discussion will be included.

The Crucial Work: The Parent in the Adoption Equation - Your Wounds, Your Healing, and How it is Crucial to Parenting a Hurting Child*

Pieces of the adoption equation that is rarely discussed are the wounds that the adoptive parents bring into the picture. Many times, parents realize post-adoption that they had deep wounds and trauma themselves that they never healed from. Nothing will bring that to the surface more clearly than adopting a child from a hurting place. This class will focus on the work that parents need to do on themselves before considering adoption as an option and it will also explore that ongoing work that needs to continue post-adoption. We will look at issues of transference, triggers, vicarious trauma, self-care, and how the parent’s unhealed trauma impacts attachment and parenting. Also, you will get the opportunity to hear from a mom who has two adopted children and wants desperately to let parents hear the story of why working on themselves is important in this journey. This class is about YOU, the parent, and why your story and healing matter.

Special Needs & Older Child Adoption – Considerations & Rewards*

This class is designed to look at some of the issues associated with adopting a child with identified medical needs as well as those associated with adopting an older child. What are the needs of these children and what can you do ahead of time to prepare? What are some immediate and long-term implications and what attachment, family, and parenting characteristics will be needed? This class is appropriate for those who have already decided to adopt a child with medical conditions or an older child, as well as for others still trying to decide. The format of this class includes presentation combined with ideas, sharing, discussion, and questions from the participants.

Required Online Classes: All International Adoptions and some Domestic Adoptions

Overview of Adoption

Learn about the intercountry adoption process, the general characteristics and needs of children awaiting adoption, and the in-country conditions that affect children in the expected country of origin, information about the impact on a child of leaving familiar ties and surroundings, as appropriate to the expected age of the child. Data on institutionalized children and the impact of institutionalization on children, including the effect on children of the length of time spent in an institution and of the type of care provided in-country is included. Information on the laws and adoption processes of the country, including foreseeable delays and impediments to finalization of an adoption is provided, as well as an explanation of any reporting requirements associated with that country’s adoptions, including any post-adoption reports required by the country. There is a course specific to each country: China, Haiti, Latvia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria.

Country Specific Culture Training

Learn about the history of your child’s birthplace! Online classes are available for families adopting from China, Haiti, Latvia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria, providing families with insight into the land and people of their child’s birth country, which includes a basic history of the country, language, culture and beliefs, festivals and traditions, and the changing face of the country today.

Parenting from the Inside Out Webinar*

This webinar is a summary of the book Parenting From the Inside Out, by Dan Siegel and Mary Hartzel. This book offers an approach to parenting that is inspired by scientific findings that indicate the best predictor of a child’s security of attachment to a caregiver is the degree to which the adult has made sense of his /her own childhood experiences.

* Required for the domestic adoption of either a medically fragile child or a child over 12 months of age